Learn more about Green Run Collegiate by exploring the answers to frequently asked questions below.
Is Green Run Collegiate an Academy?
No. GRC is a comprehensive high school. It operates under a public charter and is led by a Governing Board. As a charter school, GRC is afforded the freedom to implement innovative teaching practices and strategies while still being held accountable by the Virginia Beach school division.
How are students selected? Who is Eligible?
Any interested Virginia Beach rising ninth-grader can submit an enrollment request form to either their guidance counselor or to GRC prior to the deadline. Enrollment request forms are available on the GRC website at www.greenruncollegiate.vbschools.com. On an established date, 125 students will be selected by a random lottery held at the Green Run Campus. Occasionally, seats may open for the 10th and 11th-grade years.
Will GRC students be allowed to participate in afterschool activities?
Students at GRC are afforded every opportunity to participate fully in all extra-curricular activities sponsored on the Green Run Campus (GRC and Green Run High School), including athletics, band, dramatic productions, as well as academic teams and clubs. All questions about extra-curricular activities should be addressed to the Green Run Student Activities Coordinator.
Will GRC students be allowed to participate in afterschool activities?
Students at GRC are afforded every opportunity to participate fully in all extra-curricular activities sponsored on the Green Run Campus (GRC and Green Run High School), including athletics, band, dramatic productions, as well as academic teams and clubs. All questions about extra-curricular activities should be addressed to the Green Run Student Activities Coordinator.
Can GRC students enroll in courses offered at Green Run High School?
Students are also able to attend the Advanced Technology Center (ATC), the Technical and Career Education Center, or the Governor’s School for the Arts, as long as they are accepted to the aforementioned programs and fulfill their IB requirements. The Advanced Technology Center and the Technical and Career Education Center have many exciting course offerings, to include Network Administration & Cybersecurity, Software & Game Development, Dental Assisting, and Practical Nursing.
Will transportation be provided?
Like AP exams, do IB tests cost money?
Yes. The IB fee structures change yearly. Current IB fees can be found either at the Green Run Collegiate website or at the International Baccalaureate website, www.ibo.org.
Where can Green Run Collegiate's School Report Card be found?
The school report card can be found in two locations. The Virginia Beach Division report card for GRC may be found at www.vbschools.com, and the scare report card may be found at www.doe.virginia.gov.
Who can I contact if I have further questions?
Parents can call the GRC office 757-648-5393 for any questions they may have. In addition, they may also contact the GRC guidance office at 757-648-5366.
You CAN make a difference
Our goal is to raise the funds necessary to underwrite the testing fees and to expand the opportunities for students.
1700 Dahlia Dr #400, Virginia Beach, VA 23453